We’ve gotten quite a few inquiries regarding Limited Use Limited Application (LULA) elevators lately, so we’d like to explain where we stand on manufacturing LULA’s, and alternatives we offer.
Gillespie no longer manufactures LULA’s. In our experience, they aren’t robust enough to handle the amount of use they experience. They’re almost always used much more than originally intended.
We prefer to manufacture true elevators using our Shallow Pit Safety System when there are limitations to the depth of the pit. We can design for as little as an 8” pit.
We also have a Limited Overhead Safety System, which allows us to fit a passenger or freight elevator into space with as little as 8’ 6” of overhead. We can design these elevators in any size or capacity. Obviously, these elevators require a variance.
If space isn’t as limited, we can design and manufacture a passenger elevator that requires only a 32” deep pit and 10’ 9” of overhead, which provides both the bottom and top of car refuge space (required by code) and therefore does NOT require a variance.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t contact us if you’re looking for a LULA elevator, though. We’re always happy to talk through design challenges to help you find the best solution. Contact us and let us know what you’re working on, we’d love to help.